Posts Tagged ‘Coin purse’

It’s been a while

Thursday, October 8th, 2020

Well, it’s been too long a gap again between posts. I have been keeping busy though, honestly.

Once a little relaxation of the covid restrictions came in people were contacting me about making memory bears. I don’t know if the strict stay at home period allowed people time and space to sort through their loved ones clothing was what generated the enquiries. It is a privilege to be trusted with these items. Sometimes I take longer to start cutting some of the items as I need to be sure I am not going to waste them.

In the evenings I have completed a colourwork cardigan for a Christmas present, a crocheted cowl, and now I am moving in the direction of Christmas themed gifts.

Oh, I forgot. My embroidered coin purse was falling apart. I made myself another one and remembered why it had taken me so long to do so. You need three hands to keep the fabric in the frame while stitching into place.
